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the coil selector

These are the possible coil types to manage

  • Single coil selection

  • Water and Brine Heatig Coils

  • Refrigerant condensing Heating Coils

  • Steam Heating Coils

  • Water and Brine cooling coil

  • Direct Expansion cooling coil

  • Twin coil selection - Energy recovery

  • Water and Brine coils


Calculation mode – single coils – air side / tube side

This data is always need and requested in each case:

Air in temperature and humidity and fluid in temperature (or evaporation temperature or condensing temperature)

Possible calculation modes

  • Mode 1: requested air out temperature, free number of rows and circuits

  • Mode 2: requested air out temperature AND number of rows and circuits given

  • Mode 3: Requested capacity in kW, free number of rows and circuits

  • Mode 4: Requested capacity in kW AND number of rows and circuits given

  • Mode 5: Requested number of rows and circuit given and Temperature and Capacity unknown


Calculation mode – twin coils

  • Mode 1: Efficiency given

  • Mode 2: Number of rows and circuits given for both coils


Calculation mode – water side – single coil

  • Mode 1: temperature water out is given

  • Mode 2: quantity of water is given


Calculation mode – steam side – single coil

  • Mode 1: Steam pressure given

  • Mode 2: Steam temperature given


Calculation mode – dimensional side

  • Mode 1: finned width and height given

  • Mode 2: overall dimension given

In both cases is possible to define the frame size fixed or minimal for bottom frame and top frame.
The opposite dimension of the coil is then always calculated / optimized


Additional selection modes:

  • If the user let empty the geometry type then for each geometry a result will be given back

  • If the user let empty the fin space then for each fin space a result can be given back

  • If the user let empty the fin thickness then for each fin thickness a result can be given back

  • If the user let empty the tube thickness t hen for each tube thickness a result can be given back

  • All additional selection modes are possible to Combine!


The Coil Key

The coil key goes programmed regarding your individual requests. Please note that a coil key must contain ALL options and indication that you will be able t hen to calculate a price having only the coil code. In the future a purchase order will contain only the coil key. So the key must be real complete that you can produce the coil without any question to the customer.


Other notes

You can be sure that we know the base of calculating heating power, capacity and pressure drops, to handle the humidity chart and a lot more. But we have seen and we are sure that you have many of internal suggestions and requests to implement too.
The blackbox kernel has only a set input and a output functions. Using this function also external programmer are able to implement this blackbox into their own solution. The interlacing DLL is written for DOTNET Framework 4.0 (4.5) with public functions so the link between two systems is very simple. Usually we are delivering also an example in source code and a possible wrapper if someone wants to link the blackbox with an older language.
Very important: al technical and catalog data are saved in a protected mode into some files. The technical data and catalog data and also data need for equations and coefficients (like for efficiency and pressure drop calculation) are available for to modify and to extend. So no programmer is need if you want to change the base data.
The Blackbox kernel contains also a validation and licenses period control so that you can manage where and how long can use the calculation DLL.
You have to create then an excel sheet for price calculation. We are writing the product specifications (the code) into the first excel sheet on this excel file and on the other sheets inside the file you can create with simple IF commands in Excel a dynamic bill of material and price calculation. It is a work but it is quite a simple logic and you will be free to do what you want without programmers help.
Please note that the maybe in excel created bill of material can be transferred to your ERP system using a XML file protocol.

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